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Instructor: Michael Evans Email:
Phone: 407-908-7076
You must attend all 16 hours of the course and pass the examination with a 75% to receive your certification.
What is the cost of the course?
$375.00** per student
*Spanish textbook & test is available but class is taught in English.
What does the course include?
You will receive 16 hours of instruction which will include the basic skills to operate a pool/spa facility.Included in the registration fee you will receive the NSPF CPO® Handbook which is the best text for the course. The course will conclude with the certification examination.The exam covers the basics of the course and is "Open Book".
What do I bring with me?
You must bring a
photo ID
note pad
a pen or pencil for taking notes/exam.
What about lunch?
Free time! You're on your own for 1 hour
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